“Do not praise my merits from the past, but use my experience for the future.” This phrase concludes the memoirs of the second German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard, recorded by speechwriter Johnny Klein and edited by our Academic Board member Ulrich Schlie. Ludwig Erhard was granted this wish during a panel discussion on the consequences of Donald Trump’s second presidency for Europe and the world.
Accompanied by openings from our Director Mayssoun Zein Al Din and the Vice-Rector for International Affairs at the University of Bonn Birgit Münch, Ulrich Schlie discussed the topic with the Head of the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia Nathanael Liminski and the Chairman of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation Roland Koch in front of an audience of over 80 interested people. We would like to thank the BAPP, the University of Bonn and CASSIS for the excellent cooperation.
Welcome address
Dr. Mayssoun Zein Al Din, Director AIA NRW
Message of greeting
Prof. Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch, Vice Rector for International Affairs, University of Bonn
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie, Henry-Kissinger-Professor for Security and Strategy Research, University of Bonn
Nathanael Liminski, Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Media and Head of the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia
Roland Koch, Former Prime Minister and Chairman of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation
Panel discussion
Nathanael Liminski, Roland Koch, Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie