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Category: Conference

Event Report: Region meets international politics

Cooperation event AIA NRW/Society for Rhenish History The event “Region meets International Politics”, which the Academy organized together with the “Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde” and the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR), focused on the diverse network of relationships between the local and international levels as part of the Academy’s annual theme “Translocalism and Sub-national Diplomacy”.

AIA Panel at the DVPW Convention

The Geopolitics of Outer Space The German Political Science Association (Deutsche Vereinigung Für Politikwissenschaft – DVPW) organized its 29th Annual Academic Convention at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. The overarching theme was “Politics in times of Polycrisis”.

International relations in a world of flux: AIA @ the WISC conference in Warsaw

Last week, the tri-annual Global International Studies Conference was convened for the 7th time, drawing attention to the theme of International Relations in a World of Flux: Understanding Continuity, Change and Contestation. The University of Warsaw, Poland, hosted the meeting of around 500 International Relations scholars from around the globe, bringing together experts in all …