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In the face of great challenges we want to think differently about international politics. With researchers from around the globe, in discussion with politics and society, we are seeking out new ideas and expanding perspectives.



The Academy is both a site of research and an exchange for ideas. The Academy offers its Fellows ideal working conditions in which to pursue their own questions. In conversation with scholars and scientists from other disciplines, with politicians and civil society, new perspectives arise.

The Federal City.

The capital city of the old Federal Republic has long been an important European research location. Bonn is home to outstanding scientific institutes, international organisations, UN institutions and federal ministries. Bonn is a small-scale, close-knit city and offers an ideal environment for developing the ideas of the future.


From scholarly conferences, lectures and panel discussions through to conversations held within a small circle – the Academy conducts different events series. Debate on our chosen themes is held with a wide range of figures. We invite academic researchers, politicians, business, the media and the interested public to join us.

What’s New

  • Fellow Colloquium

    Responsibility sharing and the Global Compacts: how are expectations in Geneva dashed in Beirut?

    In her research project, AIA Fellow Tamirace Fakhoury, Associate Professor of International Politics and Conflict Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in the USA, is examining refugee policy in the Middle East, with a particular focus on displacement in Syria as a case study.

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  • Impulse

    Reservoir of knowledge

    A group from the Bundeswehr’s Cochem Medical Support Center visited the Academy on 3 July 2024 to learn about fundamental issues of international politics. In small groups, they had the opportunity to talk to AIA Fellows Chelsea Haramia, Reza Hasmath, Raul Gonzalez and Samuel Anuga about their respective research projects.

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  • Fellow Colloquium

    Citizen Survey: How China views the European Union in 2024

    How does the Chinese population view the European Union? AIA Fellow Prof. Reza Hasmath was able to collect demographically representative data on the Chinese mainland in the first quarter of 2024 and presented the results of his research at the AIA Fellow Colloquium.

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  • Impulse

    The African Axis and a World in Need for Open-Minded Partnerships

    Associate fellow Nene-Lomotey Kuditchar talks about his outlook on world politics from Ghana. With many different conflicts and crises that are regarded as a new era of geopolitics, tensions between Western states and rising powers such as China are palpable. Alliances, competition and cooperation simultaneously shape world politics where states and regions try to find their place and look for partners that support their interest. Where will African states turn and why?

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  • Impulse

    Lunch Meeting @ IDOS

    Two of our current research fellows, Albert Ahenkan and Samuel Weniga Anuga, presented their joint project on Weaponized Interdependence and Renewable Energy Transitions in Africa-Europe Relations: Impact of the EU Green Deal on 18th of April at Bonn‘s IDOS (German Institute of Development and Sustainability).

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  • Impulse

    Five Strategies to Tackle Disinformation

    A guide by our Associate Fellow and Fact-checker Szilárd Teczár With the elections for the European parliament coming up in June, official media channels as well as social media platforms are important sources of information for voters on which to base their decisions.

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  • Fellow Colloquium

    Influence of Digitalization on International Migration of Nurses from Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC)

    On March 21st AIA Fellow Gladys Dzansi presented her research program in the colloquium. She is dealing with the influence of digitalisation on the international migration of health workforce from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). As a trained nurse, she knows the work in this field both as a practitioner and in theoretical reflection.

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  • Impulse

    Fellow Hüseyin Çiçek at the NRW-Turkey Parliamentary Group

    On Thursday, February 29, AIA Fellow Hüseyin Cicek presented the key findings of his research project “Integration. Perspectives for NRW and Germany” in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia at a meeting of the NRW-Turkey parliamentary group chaired by Rainer Schmeltzer, Vice President of the state parliament. Cicek emphasized right at the beginning that Islam is neither historically nor currently a homogeneous religious community. Within the individual countries and regions in which it is spread, it forms a very heterogeneous movement with different religious, political and ethnic attitudes.

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  • Fellow Colloquium

    Narratives of religious actors on the Ukraine war

    Katharina McLarren presented parts of her Post-Doc project. Prior to the Colloquium, she had circulated a paper on the current status of her research, which she presented and which was discussed intensively by the Fellows. She explained that the religious leaders reacted very differently after the Russian invasion of Ukraine: The Shiite Ayatollah blamed the USA for the war, the Pope called the United Nations “impotent” and the Dalai Lama declared that “war is obsolete”. In her research project, she explores the extent to which religious narratives have changed in relation to the war. Does the war in Ukraine mark a turning point, or can we observe more of the same? Embedded in the theoretical framework of the English School of International Relations, she aims to conduct various narrative analyses in order to better understand whether and how the primary institutions of war and international law can be (re)interpreted.

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  • Fellow Colloquium

    Transparency and freedom of Information in the European institutions

    The Case of the Rule of Law Dialogue with Hungary Szilárd Teczár examines the rule of law dialog between the EU institutions and his home country Hungary. He is researching documents and correspondence in response to requests for freedom of information and gave a veritable workshop report during the colloquium. In addition to the content of his specific project, Szilárd also gave insights into the daily work of a factchecker during the discussion. He identified factchecking as a comparatively young form of journalism, but one that is enjoying growing popularity. He also described the conditions of this activity under the framework conditions of Orban’s Hungary. He will publish the insights he gained at the Academy on various national and international platforms. Szilárd TeczárFellow AIA | October 2023 – March 2024

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