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Academy Magazine

In this second edition of our magazine, you will find numerous articles and interviews addressing ongoing conflicts, as well as proposals for ways forward in global politics. The role of Eastern and Central European states in response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is once again a central theme, which we explore from various perspectives. The same applies to China’s role in a shifting world order. The magazine is published annually with a print run of 600 copies.

Category: Magazine
Publishing year
Language: Englisch

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Academy Magazine

The AIA Magazine’s first issue aims to provide insights on the activities of the academy, featuring contributions by our fellows as well as from renown experts in the field of international politics on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, geopolitical challenges, international relations and cooperation. The Magazine is published annually with a circulation of 600 copies.

Category: Magazine
Publishing year: 2023
Language: English

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Publications by fellows that were produced during their time here at AIA:

McLarren, Katharina (2024, forthcoming): Das Schweigen der Religionen in Zeiten des Krieges [The silence of religions in times of war], in: Glassner, Sebastian/Rieger, Eva/Stahl, Bernhard (Eds.): 10 Minuten Soziologie: Schweigen [10 Minute Sociology: Silence]. Bielefeld: transcript.

McLarren, Katharina (2024, forthcoming): Wars Come and Go, International Society Changes, and Religions Endure: Narratives of Religious Actors on the Ukraine War. Politische Vierteljahresschrift (German Political Science Quarterly).

McLarren, Katharina (2023): The Silence of the Roman Catholic Church on the Ukraine War. The Review of Faith & International Affairs.

Pupcenoks, Juris/ Fisher, Scott/ Klein, Graig (2024): Sentiment Shifts and a New Approach to Strategic Narratives Analysis. Russian Rhetoric on Ukraine, in: Demokratizatsiya. The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 32 (1), pp. 85-112.

Supac, Inna (2024): Moldova. A Society Under Pressure. Internal Vulnerabilities and Multiple External Risks, in: Mörner, Ninna: A World Order in Transformation? A Comparative Study of Consequences of the War and of the Reactions to These Changes in the Region, in:  Södertörn Universitiy, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES): CBEES State of the Region Report, pp. 186-191.

Supac, Inna (2024): Moldova’s National Security Strategy and societal cohesion, in: Douglas, Nadja (Ed.): Old Fears and New Threats: Insecurity and Societal Cohesion in Russia’s Neighbourhood, in: Security Report Series, 2024 (1), Kon Koop at Centre for East European and International Studies (ZoiS) gGmbH, pp.22-26.

Teczár, Szilárd (2024): Why the EU silence on why Orban’s €10bn was unblocked? in: euobserver.

Teczár, Szilárd (2024): Épp az EU kért nagyobb béremelést a tanároknak, mint amit a kormány tervezett, in: Lakmusz.

Teczár, Szilárd (2024): The EU just asked for a bigger pay rise for teachers, than the government has planned, in: Lakmusz.

Nene Lomotey Kuditchar (2024): Crisis of Authority and the Cybernetic Politics of African International Organizations: The ECOWAS and Its Institutional Circuits of Heterarchical Entanglement, in: Dana-Marie Ramjit (Ed.): Postinternationalism and the Rise of Heterarchy, ICI Global Research 2024, p. 209-238.