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July - September 2024

Economic Development Abiodun Egbetokun

The Political Economy of Chinese Investments in Africa: Implications for Development

June - July 2024

International Political Theory Milla Vaha

From the Nuclear to the Climatic Threat: Existential Insecurities in the Pacific Island Countries

June - August 2024

Political Science Tamirace Fakhoury

The European Union’s External Refugee Policy in Middle East Geopolitics: Archipelagos of Policy Dissonance

June - December 2024

Space Policy and Economy Raúl González Muñoz

Implementation of the European Union Space Defence & Security Strategy: Key Challenges and Enablers

June - August 2024

International Law Güneş Ünüvar

Outer Space as an 'Environment': State Regulation and Foreign Investment Protection

May - July 2024

Political Science Reza Hasmath

How China Currently Sees the World and Implications for Global Actors

April 2024 - February 2025

Philosophy Chelsea Haramia

Global Planning for Post-Detection

March - April 2024

Sustainable Development Albert Ahenkan

Weaponized Interdependence and Renewable Energy Transitions in Africa-Europe Relations: Impact of the EU Green Deal (with Samuel Weniga Anuga)

March - December 2024

Political Science Inci Öykü Yener-Roderburg

The role of Germany-based Turkey-originating religious organizations in Turkish and German Elections

February - November 2024

Environmental Science Samuel Weniga Anuga

Weaponized Interdependence and Renewable Energy Transitions in Africa-Europe Relations: Impact of the EU Green Deal (with Albert Ahenkan)