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Category: Impulse

Exploring the Unknown: Dr. Chelsea Haramia on Planning for Post-Detection Scenarios

At AIA, Dr. Chelsea Haramia’s groundbreaking research focuses on preparing humanity for the profound moment when we might discover extraterrestrial life or technology. In a recent interview, Dr. Haramia shared her insights into post-detection planning, emphasizing the ethical and global challenges of responding to such a discovery. Central to her work is the importance of …

Reservoir of knowledge

A group from the Bundeswehr’s Cochem Medical Support Center visited the Academy on 3 July 2024 to learn about fundamental issues of international politics. In small groups, they had the opportunity to talk to AIA Fellows Chelsea Haramia, Reza Hasmath, Raul Gonzalez and Samuel Anuga about their respective research projects.

The African Axis and a World in Need for Open-Minded Partnerships

Associate fellow Nene-Lomotey Kuditchar talks about his outlook on world politics from Ghana. With many different conflicts and crises that are regarded as a new era of geopolitics, tensions between Western states and rising powers such as China are palpable. Alliances, competition and cooperation simultaneously shape world politics where states and regions try to find …

Lunch Meeting @ IDOS

Two of our current research fellows, Albert Ahenkan and Samuel Weniga Anuga, presented their joint project on Weaponized Interdependence and Renewable Energy Transitions in Africa-Europe Relations: Impact of the EU Green Deal on 18th of April at Bonn‘s IDOS (German Institute of Development and Sustainability).

Five Strategies to Tackle Disinformation

A guide by our Associate Fellow and Fact-checker Szilárd Teczár With the elections for the European parliament coming up in June, official media channels as well as social media platforms are important sources of information for voters on which to base their decisions.

Fellow Hüseyin Çiçek at the NRW-Turkey Parliamentary Group

On Thursday, February 29, AIA Fellow Hüseyin Cicek presented the key findings of his research project “Integration. Perspectives for NRW and Germany” in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia at a meeting of the NRW-Turkey parliamentary group chaired by Rainer Schmeltzer, Vice President of the state parliament. Cicek emphasized right at the beginning that Islam …