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EU Pipeline Politics, Energy Crisis, and the Nord Stream Projects: The Convergence of Energy Security Dilemmas

It has long been known among experts that there is a close connection between energy policy and energy supply with the field of security policy in Europe and the world as a whole. However, it is only since the Russian attack on Ukraine and the sabotage of North Stream II that there has been a broader public understanding of these connections.

During the two-day workshop at the AIA NRW, led by Farid Karimi, various stakeholders and actors from the USA, Germany, Latvia and Finland discussed these connections in detail. Researchers, analysts and representatives of the private sector dealt with three case studies, in particular Germany, Latvia and Finland. It became very clear how complex the competing interests and agendas were and are that will now struggle for realignment – with all the political implications for the national and regional agenda in the energy transition. The discussions were recorded and will feed into Farid Karimi’s research and publications. The panel also agreed to continue the dialog in the future.


Farid Karimi
Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Fellow AIA NRW


Lisa Hartmann
Events and Public Relations Officer

Location: Rheinallee 24, 53173 Bonn




Event language: English