This event seeks to bring together policy makers, academia and industry representatives involved directly or indirectly in moon/cislunar activities to take stock of the latest discussions, developments, and initiatives in international space law and policy.
The last UN COPUOS Plenary session addressed a number of key issues, such as the formation of an Action Team on Lunar Activities Consultation (ATLAC) as proposed by Romania to address the pressing need of operational consultation (and ultimately coordination) of lunar activities conducted by various stakeholders, including states and non-state actors such as private entities. Against the backdrop of several highly impactful (political) initiatives, such as the Artemis Programme/Accords and the International Lunar Research Station, coupled with a myriad of lunar exploration programmes by individual states, Lunar activities are expected to intensify in the decades to come.
Raúl González Muño
Lecturer in Space Policy and Economy, University of Leicester, UK
Fellow AIA NRW
Güneş Ünüvar
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Luxembourg Centre for European Law (LCEL), University of Luxembourg
Associate Fellow AIA NRW
Lisa Hartmann
Public Relations and Events Officer